There are three answers to this question!
The first answer deals with the practicalities.
You decide if you want to have a single session for $150 or if you want to dive in deeply and get a six-pack for $600. You are welcome to send an email with questions.
You talk to Stina about what is going on, what your major issues are.
She will send you an intake form and whatever other special tests she sends you, and you email them back to her; If you want to work on weight, you may be asked to do a food journal, preferably for 3 days, of everything that you put in your mouth. She goes all broody over the paperwork and what you have told her; you have a session in person or via Skype to start your healing process, during which you work together to decide what you need and what will work best for you, which includes when you will meet next; if you are meeting in person, you give her a check, if not, you mail the check. Paypal is also an option.
The second answer is that this works holistically. You may come in with emotional issues, and wonder why you are asked for a food journal – but if you are eating donuts and a latte for breakfast, your emotional state is being run by your lack of nutrition. You may wonder what spirituality has to do with a physical issue, and so on. We are all interconnected on all levels. We may start at any given specific point of trouble, but if the other things that are connected to that are not addressed, the results will not last.
The third answer is that shifts happen when you have cleared the emotional blocks and triggers. If you knew how to clear the blocks and triggers you would have done so, right? The tools Stina teaches you will deal with both of those issues.
When do you want to get started?